


From coffee mornings to men-sheds, recognition for the Oasis Centre

How many of us have thought something should be done about disparate communities, loneliness and the lack of opportunities for connecting people, hoping that ‘something’ would be done by someone […]

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Remembering God when you’ve lost confidence in going to church

It’s undeniable that across Cornwall we have a problem with missing generations in our Anglican churches. Not just the elusive ‘youth’ but whole other generations below and above the age […]

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Truro’s motion on the environment set to return to General Synod

A motion to promote environmental programmes that was submitted to General Synod jointly by the Diocese of Truro and the Diocese of London has been adjourned until February. The joint […]

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The Trelawny coffin plate returns home

Bishop Sir Jonathan Trelawny, who died in 1721, is a man who inspired ‘The Song of the Western Man’, or as more commonly known, ‘Trelawny’, a song that has been […]

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Are you in contact with victims of modern slavery?

Do you know what modern slavery looks like? Would you be able to recognise somebody who was enslaved if they walked into your life, or even your church? Caroline Virgo, […]

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The challenges of a children and family worker in rural Cornwall

It’s hard to imagine what it must feel like to be given an almost blank page as a Children and Family Worker across the North Cornwall Cluster. Exciting? Daunting? For […]

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Not too late to book a place on safeguarding conference

The first Bishop’s Safeguarding Conference took place this week. Two dozen people made their way to Tresmeer Village Hall, near Launceston, to talk about ways safeguarding policy and practice within […]

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Bishop Chris remembers and prays for our NHS that is 70 today

The NHS came into being on 5th July 1948 thanks to the vision of Aneurin “Nye” Bevan, the health minister at the time, and others who worked hard to create […]

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Walking by social prescription and reaching out to the community

With the 70th Birthday celebrations of the NHS in full swing, an unusual NHS present that is being enjoyed by the community in St Austell is Social Prescribing. This is […]

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Open invitation to Clewer Initiative Modern Slavery meetings

On July 13, the national lead for The Clewer Initiative, Caroline Virgo, will be in Cornwall as part of the We See You, Clewer Initiative Modern Slavery campaign. Caroline will […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.