
Bishop Philip looks forward to even closer working with Cornish Methodists
Bishop Philip addressed the Methodist synod, on Saturday, at Truro Methodist Church, and reinforced his commitment to encouraging Anglicans and Methodists to stand and work alongside one another. Bishop Philip […]
Flower power and green growth in Penzance
Members of the wider Penzance community are being invited to join parishioners of St Mary’s Church on Saturday as they plant wild flowers in the churchyard. The planting is part […]

Oceans apart a mother and son pray for a miracle
People often talk about the power of prayer, from the mundane, like finding a parking spot, to the magnificent. Patrick Gilbert’s story definitely falls on the side of magnificent. It […]

Many examples of love and kindness … and a few tunes!
Bishop Philip picked up a ukulele and joined the St Euny Ukes for a couple of tunes this week, as the second roadshow of the year got underway. He was […]

Never give in, never, never, never, never…
Winston Churchill, in a speech to his old school, said, ‘…Never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of […]

Feted green church is feeling flush with a brand new eco-loo
The winner of the Green Building award in the 2017 Church Times Green Church Awards has just commissioned its latest eco-venture – an environmentally friendly loo. The toilet at St […]
Training: promoting your church via social media
People who are keen to learn more about the opportunities of using social media to promote their church can sign up for a day-long course this summer. A member of […]

Bishop Philip: ‘Please pray for all affected by this outrage’
The Bishop of Truro has called on churches across the diocese to join together in prayer for all of those affected by the shootings in New Zealand. The Rt Revd […]

The light that shines through the Cross of St Piran Awards
On Sunday evening, at the Cross of St Piran Thanksgiving Service, Bishop Philip spoke of how Jesus is the light of the world as well as, according to Isaiah, nations […]

Leaving fear behind between Grenfell and Cornwall
It’s hard to know where God is when something as terrible as the Grenfell Tower fire ripped through the lives of the residents, neighbours and fire-fighters, leaving a heart-breaking trail […]