


Don’t miss out on Heritage Lottery Fund grants

The Heritage Lottery Fund now has £375m a year to invest in new projects.

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Four out of five people believe in the power of prayer

Four out of five British adults believe in the power of prayer, according to a new ICM survey.

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New Bishop of St Germans appointed

Reverend Chris Goldsmith appointed as the new Bishop of St Germans.

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Archbishop asks people to bring their lives to Jesus

“Whatever we do, let’s make sure that it points to Jesus,” says Archbishop Justin as his ‘Journey in Prayer’ to Cornwall ends.

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Archbishop Justin prays in Truro

Bright sunshine greeted Archbishop Justin as he arrived in Truro and walked to the Cathedral for a day of prayer.

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Bishop Tim battles in Christian Aid bake off

It was aprons on and rolling pins at the ready at the ‘Better Together’ Bake Off at Epiphany house on 13 March

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St Piran Awards for over 500 years of service

The Cross of St Piran has been awarded to 18 outstanding lay people whose loyal service totals over 500 years

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Archbishop Justin interviewed on BBC Radio Cornwall

In an interview with BBC Radio Cornwall, Archbishop Justin speaks of his willingness to help the people of Cornwall address the difficult issues they face.

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Christian Aid IF campaign needs local action now

The ‘Enough Food For Everyone IF’ multi-agency campaign was launched in Cornwall on 26 January at a rally outside Truro Cathedral.

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Changes to Gift Aid: an update

This year sees two major changes to Gift Aid

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.