


How is Transforming Mission shaping up?

Excitement was high around Transforming Mission coming to Cornwall when it began in 2017. A revival, a chance to share the transformative love of Jesus, with the help of generous […]

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A Safe Space for students offering sanctuary and hot buttered toast

Many of us dropping off our young people in strange new university towns, quietly weeping on the way home as they dive headlong into Freshers’ Week, yearn for a safe […]

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Huddle, a happy place in the heart of Falmouth

If you want to experience the heart of Transforming Mission, the energising plan for Christian community in Falmouth, then walk into Huddle, the café that opened last November in the […]

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Could you go on the streets to tell people Jesus loves them?

If you asked most Christians to go out into the streets of their local community to share the good news that Jesus loves them, the first response would probably be […]

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Puzzle Pieces for a Pioneer

When God said, in Jeremiah (29 v 11), “For I know the plans I have for you …” He wasn’t kidding when it comes to Jon White, the new Pioneer […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.