


Take a Stand | Join the Campaign

Fourteen young people from Cornwall have written an open letter to World leaders about the climate crisis. It calls for immediate action to limit the rise in global temperatures to […]

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Cornish young people challenge world leaders

“Dear world leaders, our world is in crisis, it’s time to take a stand.” The opening words of an open letter written by 14 Cornish young people, addressed to the […]

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Combating climate change with hope and pragmatism

Robin and Mard could be described as Eco-Warriors. They certainly began the fight to protect our planet long before most of us realised it was a vital cause to be […]

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Climate Change: Bishop calls for ‘net-zero’ commitment

The Church of England’s lead bishop on the environment has said that a report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reveals a ‘critical risk-level’ for global communities. […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.