


Come rain or shine across Cornwall

If you popped into St Columb Minor church last Monday morning you would have heard the happy sounds of children laughing, talking excitedly about what planets they wanted to paint […]

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The magic of marriage through the eyes of children

With the press full of stories and stats about divorce, it’s good every once in a while to be reminded how magical marriage can be. And nothing looks more magical […]

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Encouraging signs in the diocese’s Statistics for Mission report

The Diocese of Truro is showing some encouraging signs in this year’s Statistics for Mission report from the Church of England. Churches in the diocese recorded a total 9% increase […]

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Funding for projects offering free meals during school holidays

Cornwall Councils Wellbeing and Public Health Team has established a funding opportunity for existing or new voluntary and community organisations and charitable groups to pilot a programme that extends the […]

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Family fear – how can churches hope to take root in the hearts of the young?

Many of us who are parents have probably been there. In church with a fractious child, our stress levels rising with every tut and pair of disapproving eyes boring into […]

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Dwindling, aging congregations? How very dare he!

“Optimism is a precondition for any job in the Church of England. But the overwhelming impression is of dwindling, ageing congregations: homely, well-mannered and kindly folk increasingly out of joint […]

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Bishop’s thank you for work in schools

Bishop Tim hosted a schools’ garden party at Lis Escop as a thank you for all their work during the academic year. It was organised by the diocesan education team and […]

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Children and Pets Carol Service at Truro Cathedral

A fun-filled carol service for all the family. No pet too big, no child too small!

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.