Faith Stories - Our Stories

Kathryn’s Story

“My mother was an Anglican, my father and grandparents were Methodists, so we were sent to the Methodist Sunday school. When I was about 11 the ‘Caravan Mission to Village […]

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Margaret’s Story

While many people prefer not to think of their own deaths, those that do often envisage it as during old age with loved ones by their sides. But for some […]

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John’s Story

A diagnosis of a terminal brain tumour at just 44 would be enough to shake most people’s faith but not for John Meteyard. John, a conveyancing lawyer, and his wife […]

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Bishop Chris’s Story

“I was not brought up in a practising Christian home. I can’t remember there being much spiritual conversation, in fact as the eldest of five brothers, it was friends, football […]

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Donna’s Story

It’s taken me a little while to write this because I am still very much on a journey when it comes to my faith. I suppose looking back there have […]

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Diane’s Story

    My mother was a Methodist and I went to the Anglican parish church Sunday school with a neighbours daughter. So I became an Anglican. My mother was confirmed […]

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David’s Story

“Why am I a Christian? The short (and selfish) answer is that I like being loved! I had the good fortune to grow up in a loving family, where Christian […]

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Chris’ Story

When I was asked to do this a few verses from an old hymn by Joseph Addison sprang to mind. When all Thy mercies, O my God My rising soul […]

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Brian’s Story

Brian is a member of the Gideons, and has been worshiping at St Martin’s church for many years. “Everyone likes a bargain – 20% off, 50% off or buy one […]

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Tim’s Story

“I was born into a Christian family. My father was a Vicar and my parents met when they were training to be Church Army officers. “I was baptised as a […]

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