Retired Clergy
The Ministry Team would like you to know that we are here to support you during your retirement years and to offer help and advice if needed. This leaflet is intended to provide an overview of the various services that we offer.
You may be interested to know that you are part of a group of over 230 retired clergy living in the diocese, many of whom have been given Permission to Officiate (PtO) by the Bishop. We greatly value their commitment and the contribution they make to the life, mission and ministry of the diocese.
Of course, retirement brings freedom to choose about how, and indeed if at all, you would like to be involved in the ministry of our churches in Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly, and our two parishes in Devon, and we want to honour and respect that freedom. However, should you wish to apply for PtO please refer to the diocesan website which provides details of the procedure to follow.
Pastoral care for retired clergy and family rests with the Bishop, your Incumbent and Rural Dean. Additionally the Bishop has appointed The Revd John Eatock as Dean of Retired Clergy, Clergy Widows and Widowers. John can be contacted by email.
The Cornwall Retired Clergy, widows and dependents Fund
(CRCF) is available to provide grants for those in financial need. Grants are most often made for age-related medical items, hospital stays and bereavement. Where relevant, receipts (copies) will be requested. Enquiries about grant funding from CRCF should be made to Sue Thorold on 01872 247214 or on
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