Val’s Story
“Believing in God adds a depth, a purity and an honesty to the meaning of life for me.
We not only have the most loving and caring Heavenly Father in our God, but also The Awesome Creator and Almighty side of God! He waits for us to acknowledge and respond to His offer of forgiveness by believing in His son Jesus Christ.
We live in a particularly beautiful area with both inspiring and productive scenery and sea, and wonderful skies, all on our doorstops. It’s easy to see the stars and planets on a clear night. We are therefore perhaps more in touch with nature and the seasons of the year. For me this beauty, and sequences in nature are a reminder of The Creator God I choose to believe in. When I take the time to notice this, then this recognition is deepened.
Our lives too have their ‘seasons’ on a daily, or weekly, or even yearly basis. We have our ‘ups and downs’: our dry and hard times but also our spring and expectant times! What I am sure of is that The Lord is with me no matter what: I just need to accept this and listen to and for Him.
Praying also deepens and enriches life within this privileged relationship with God, which He has instigated because He loves us unconditionally!
We can be honest with God about our failures, upsets, concerns or problems. We can ask for His guidance.
I believe God is with us throughout all these times of our lives. God promises that His Peace, which surpasses understanding, will be with us. God’s peace, which can be experienced from Him not just when all is going well in our lives, but even when our lives are in turmoil or we are distressed. I can trust The Lord in everything.”