
Truro Prayer Book Society enthralled by 1553 Primer
We are delighted to share this from guest writer David Watson To be an authority on a particular subject is a wonderful gift; to be able to share that knowledge […]

Is a churchyard a good place to start talking about Easter?
A churchyard might not spring to mind as the obvious place to contemplate the hopefulness of life, but Revd Karsten believes it’s absolutely the place to talk about Easter and […]

The magic of marriage through the eyes of children
With the press full of stories and stats about divorce, it’s good every once in a while to be reminded how magical marriage can be. And nothing looks more magical […]

Churches asked to join in VE Day anniversary events
Churches across the land are being asked to play their part in a series of national and international events to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day, which will take […]

Are you ready to hear Jesus call your name? An Easter message from Bishop Philip
Maybe the most touching moment in the Easter story happens early on the first Easter morning. Mary stands outside Jesus’ tomb weeping, cut to the heart with sorrow. She turns […]

Cornish Celtic Way Spring Walk
On Sunday Bishop Philip pulled on his walking boots, took up his staff, and joined the walkers who were setting out on the first Cornish Celtic Way extended walk of […]

More than 900 reports of potential modern slavery recorded through app
Drivers using a pioneering app to gather information on modern slavery in hand car washes made more than 900 reports of potential cases over a five-month period, according to research. […]

Bishop Philip looks forward to even closer working with Cornish Methodists
Bishop Philip addressed the Methodist synod, on Saturday, at Truro Methodist Church, and reinforced his commitment to encouraging Anglicans and Methodists to stand and work alongside one another. Bishop Philip […]
Flower power and green growth in Penzance
Members of the wider Penzance community are being invited to join parishioners of St Mary’s Church on Saturday as they plant wild flowers in the churchyard. The planting is part […]

Oceans apart a mother and son pray for a miracle
People often talk about the power of prayer, from the mundane, like finding a parking spot, to the magnificent. Patrick Gilbert’s story definitely falls on the side of magnificent. It […]