
Become a Kernow Green Church & sign up for A Rocha Eco Church Accreditation
The environment is very much at the top of the world agenda and the issues and efforts around climate change are rapidly developing. The Diocese of Truro has always been […]

Befriending the bats at Lamorran’s church
Bats are a common ‘problem’ facing many of our churches but one church in the diocese says the answer is to stop seeing them as something to be eradicated and […]

Interested in youth and children’s work?
South West Youth Ministries (SWYM) is hosting a number of online open days with the first one on Wednesday, July 14 aimed at those interested in working with children and […]

Welcome to our new deacons & priests
In a sign that we may be learning to live with Covid, the 2021 Petertide Ordinations returned to Truro Cathedral at the weekend. Two services were held on Friday, June […]

Petertide Ordinations 2021: Welcome to Sophie
Being ordained as deacon on Friday evening is Sophie Troczynska. For as long as Sophie can remember the church has been a part of her life. From a young age […]

Petertide Ordinations 2021: Welcome to David & Hannah
Among the people being ordained as deacons during Petertide are husband and wife David and Hannah Baylor. The couple arrived in the diocese during the G7 having moved from Oxford […]

Petertide Ordinations 2021: Welcome to Li Selman
Li Selman will be ordained as a deacon at Truro Cathedral on June 25. For Li, a former school teacher, the service will see her finally achieving something she always […]

Petertide Ordinations 2021: Welcome to Tom Ebbens
Among those being ordained as a deacon in the Petertide Services at Truro Cathedral later this month is Tom Ebbens from Constantine. Tom’s journey to ordination began in earnest in […]

Churches sought for youth ministry research project
South West Youth Ministries (SWYM) has been serving local churches across the region, helping resource and equip youth and children’s ministry over the last 23 years. Having a reasonable understanding […]
South West Awake – join in!
On Saturday, June 19, between 10.30am-11am, Christians will be gathering across the Southwest Coast Path to pray and worship. The vision is that people will be stationed at every mile […]