


A Prayer for Education Sunday

Heavenly Father, they say it takes a village to raise a child, It also takes a village to educate one. We give thanks for teachers, governors, carers, parents and children, […]

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Treasure discovered during lockdown

As Revd Canon Vanda Perret says in one of her recent blogs, one constant throughout the history of church life and the way people worship, is that it is always […]

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Meet Bishop Hugh! Facebook Live event on Sunday, July 19 at 4pm

The new Bishop of St Germans, the Rt Revd Hugh Nelson, will be taking to Facebook Live on Sunday. He will be talking with Richard Best from the diocesan communications […]

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New Bishop of St Germans, the Rt Revd Hugh Nelson, is consecrated at Lambeth Palace

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Justin Welby, heard the oaths of the new Bishop of St Germans as he was consecrated in a joyful service at Lambeth Palace […]

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New Bishop of St Germans, Revd Hugh Nelson, to be consecrated at Lambeth Palace

The new Bishop of St Germans, the Revd Hugh Nelson, will be consecrated at Lambeth Palace in a service at 11.30am on Wednesday, July 15. The service will be streamed […]

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Wait, pray, love as a school chaplain even during lockdown

Emma Antoniou is a school chaplain at Bishop Bronescombe C of E School, and would have loved to have leapt into the role but instead spent a good few years […]

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Bishop Philip: ‘We must redouble efforts to welcome all’

The Bishop of Truro, the Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen, has called on everybody living within the diocese to redouble their efforts to provide a welcome for all people, regardless of […]

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Worship from Lis Escop for Trinity Sunday

Bishop Philip and Ruth Mounstephen invite you to join them in this service for Trinity Sunday, June 7, 2020, that was recorded at their home, Lis Escop. To watch this […]

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Looking back at 2019 to move forward into the ’20s

2019 may well seem like ancient history; indeed some people are talking about the “years BC” – Before Covid – but there are some important reasons to give those days […]

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Zooming into Alpha: Revd Jules shares the benefits

Since March, Church has taken on a different look and feel for us all. It’s lead to a dramatic increase in ‘digital church’ with many of us now fully Zoom […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.