


Seven new Readers licensed at ’empowering’ service

Saturday (October 14) was a red-letter day for Readers across the diocese. Readers joined family, friends, clergy and congregation members in a celebration of Reader Ministry and to witness Bishop […]

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Vocations: Student Jemima Bush works her way through an array of choices

Few of us are fortunate enough to have an unequivocal sense of vocation, something that gives an unmistakable direction to our lives. For many it is more nuanced, their sense […]

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A Grand Adventure for the team behind the Huddle Cafe in Falmouth

Matt and Bianca. Even their names are cool. And not just because they sound like an 80s band. Matt and Bianca are the two new managers of the Huddle, a […]

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Modern slavery is focus of Truro event featuring films from charity Unchosen

An event to help shed light on the dangers and practices of modern slavery is to be held in Truro later this month. Stay Safe From Slavery will feature two […]

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Swapping a Mitre for a cycling helmet at Cardynham

At the beginning of October, Bishop Chris broke with convention by replacing his Mitre with a cycling helmet! He did so as part of his dedication of a prayer station […]

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St Wenn wins the Church Times Green Church Award!

A proper David and Goliath story, St Wenn Church has won the prestigious Church Times Green Church Award. That’s no mean feat when you consider this tiny Cornish church was […]

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The journey, joy and heartache of adoption

When Jane* and Mark* began the long road to adopting James*, they knew it was going to be challenging. Having reached a point in their lives when they accepted they […]

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Climate change cyclists to depart Truro Cathedral, bound for UN talks in Germany

  Three cyclists will set off from Truro Cathedral on a journey to deliver a report to the COP23 UN climate change conference in Bonn, Germany. Along their route, the […]

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Doors of St Andrew’s Church in Redruth to be opened wide after two decades

Plans to work towards opening up St Andrew’s Church in the centre of Redruth every day have been announced by the PCC. The news comes two decades after the original […]

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Huge Support for Tiny Trevalga

St Petroc’s Church in the hamlet of Trevalga has been at the centre of small group of people who, between them, have notched up over 190 years of service. Sitting […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.