


Family fear – how can churches hope to take root in the hearts of the young?

Many of us who are parents have probably been there. In church with a fractious child, our stress levels rising with every tut and pair of disapproving eyes boring into […]

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St Clement, an oasis in a busy world

Even covered by tarpaulin and scaffolding, St Clement Church, a Grade One medieval church nestling close to the River Tresillian, still feels very much an oasis in a busy world. […]

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The Seriously Surprising Story

As we move towards Easter the Bible Society has launched a new film for 2018 – The Seriously Surprising Story. The video tells the story of how Jesus met with […]

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Meet The Funders event in Bodmin was a great success

Representatives from more than 70 organisations gathered in Bodmin for the annual Meet The Funders event, writes parish support and schools’ advisor, Rebecca Evans. Organised jointly by Transformation Cornwall and the […]

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New date for parish GDPR training

Unfortunately due to snow across Cornwall we have had to postpone the GDPR training on the 19th March. The new date for this training is 23rd April 2018. Click here to book […]

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Support sought for modern slavery campaign

Churches and individuals are being asked to support The Clewer Initiative’s Safe Care Wash campaign which aims to combat modern slavery.  After Easter all clergy will receive information about the campaign, […]

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Vocations Day in Truro Cathedral on March 17 is great opportunity to explore God’s calling

Exploring those things that God is calling us to do with our lives is the subject of a Vocations Day in Truro Cathedral on Saturday, March 17. The day has […]

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Cross of St Piran honouring those who do the extraordinary

After a week when Cornwall seemed to close because of the snow and extreme cold, the ice melted, the roads cleared and the Cross of St PIran nominees made their […]

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Archdeacon Bill to head up church renewal project

The Archdeacon of Cornwall, the Ven Bill Stuart-White, is to move to Falmouth to head up the Diocese of Truro’s innovative plan to reinvigorate the Anglican Church in the town […]

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Cafe Abundance – an abundance of love with a load of junk food

How many of us shake our heads in horror when we hear how much food is thrown away? (30% in the UK). How many more of us worry about food […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.