


Why did Revd Dr Jonathan Rowe choose ordination?

One of the key questions to ask Revd Dr Jonathan Rowe is why on earth would he want to take on more in his life to become a self-supporting curate? […]

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Zooming into the first diocesan roadshow

The first of the diocesan roadshows took place last night in the Powder and Pydar deaneries. Hosted by the Archdeacon of Cornwall, the Ven Paul Bryer, the evening saw 45 […]

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Ordination, another chapter in Patrick Gilbert’s odyssey

For Patrick Gilbert, ordination as deacon on September 25th, 2020, will be another step in an incredible  journey that began years ago when he cried out to God to show […]

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Acceptance, diversity and freedom to fail as ordinands in Truro Diocese

Meeting Revd Claire and Revd Rose Jones felt like throwing open the windows and breathing in fresh, energising air. The couple will be ordained as priests on September 25th at […]

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The high calling of caring for the planet

As Bishop Philip recently said, caring for the planet is a very high calling. Caring for the planet was a calling that George Dow answered from an early age. But […]

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Diocesan Roadshows 2020

Join us for this year’s diocesan roadshows taking place during September, October, November and December via Zoom. Each roadshow will be specific to a pair of deaneries as we look […]

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A Prayer for Education Sunday

Heavenly Father, they say it takes a village to raise a child, It also takes a village to educate one. We give thanks for teachers, governors, carers, parents and children, […]

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Bishops’ pastoral message

We recognise that this is a worrying time for many with COVID-19 cases on the rise again. It’s also an anxious time as we try to work out what we […]

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No change to rules on places of worship

The Archbishop of Canterbury has confirmed this morning (Wednesday, September 9, 2020) that there will be no change to guidance on places of worship. Following the government’s announcement last night […]

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Decision taken to close Huddle Café in Falmouth

We are sad to report that the decision has been taken to close the Huddle Café in Falmouth with immediate effect. Along with many hospitality businesses, the impact of loss […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.