


Archbishop Justin interviewed on BBC Radio Cornwall

In an interview with BBC Radio Cornwall, Archbishop Justin speaks of his willingness to help the people of Cornwall address the difficult issues they face.

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Christian Aid IF campaign needs local action now

The ‘Enough Food For Everyone IF’ multi-agency campaign was launched in Cornwall on 26 January at a rally outside Truro Cathedral.

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Changes to Gift Aid: an update

This year sees two major changes to Gift Aid

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STAK wins Big Society Award

St Austell Community Kitchen (STAK) is one of the winners of Big Society Awards

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New link officer to revisit rural roots

Revd Canon Andrew Wade has been appointed as Rural Link Officer for the diocese

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Picking up the pieces at Pillaton

On 21 January, a very short, intense, electric storm released three bolts of lightning, one of which struck the tower of St Odulph’s Church, Pillaton

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Bishop Tim urges parishes to help ‘Keep the Promise’

Bishop Tim has joined three other bishops calling on parishes to respond to public consultations on Scouting and Girlguiding Promises

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Journey begins for St Germans Priory Trust

Over 200 people gathered on Friday 11 January for the launch of the St Germans Priory Trust.

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Walk Cornwall 2 coming to life

Final preparations in place for Walk Cornwall 2 (Kerdh Kernow 2)

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Much more give than take in Penzance

The Giving Shop in Penzance is proving to be a great success

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.