


Humility and service central themes at Ordinations

Busy weekend for five new priests and five new deacons.

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New home for Giving Shop

Innovative Churches Together project to relocate in Wharfside Shopping Centre, Penzance, on 24 June.

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Uncover a chance to do church differently

An opportunity for you to explore a simple way of engaging people with St Luke’s Gospel.

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Anniversary Waymark event explores Way to Go

Father George Guiver challenged delegates with his views on current attitudes to ‘community’ as they explored different methods of discipleship and prayer.

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New Honorary Canons for Truro Cathedral

Bishop Tim welcomes “Five very different people who have led very different lives.”

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Diocesan Synod votes for women bishops

Heavyweight subjects discussed and significant decisions made

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New research exposes true impact of debt on children

Bishop Tim says Debt Trap Report is a powerful reminder of the reality of the lives of many families in our country.

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Bishop’s special connections with Christian Aid Week

This year’s Christian Aid Week is highlighting the plight of those living in war-ravaged countries and how we can help them rebuild their lives.

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Sun shines for PBS Spring meeting

Members of the Prayer Book Society gathered at Kenwyn for a fascinating programme at their AGM on Sunday 27 April.

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Rainbow Multi-Academy Trust a first

Two Church and two Community Schools join together to make history.

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.