Two Cornish church primary school heads have been awarded the Church of England Professional Qualification for Headship. Pippa Warner, Head of School from St Catherine’s CofE School and Nursery, Launceston, […]
Please be aware of a very important statement hidden away on page 18 ‘Reporting’. “If leaders, including governors, cannot articulate how biblical teaching roots the school’s vision, giving it coherence, […]
We offer training and support to all involved in school governance in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. This covers governors in local authority maintained schools, as well as directors/ […]
Three new trustees are being sought by Askel Veur, the ‘umbrella trust’ that is the standards and academies arm of the Truro Diocesan Board of Education. The existing board members […]
Bishop Tim hosted a schools’ garden party at Lis Escop as a thank you for all their work during the academic year. It was organised by the diocesan education team and […]