


Investing in the Future

As you may well have heard by now, November’s Diocesan Synod decided to increase next year’s MMF call by 1.5%. And while finance may not be the most popular subject […]

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Taking Funerals seriously

Over 170 clergy, readers, and lay leaders were brought together by the Bishop of Truro, the Rt Revd Tim Thornton at the Royal Cornwall Showground in Wadebridge on Tuesday to […]

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Atlantic Coast Cluster welcomes Revd Canon Anne Brown

Revd Canon Anne Brown has joined the Atlantic Coast Cluster and has spent her first few weeks getting to know the parish. Made up of St Agnes, Mithian, Mount Hawke, Cubert, […]

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Churches across the Diocese mark Remembrance Sunday

Churches across the Diocese of Truro played a central role in the Remembrance services on Sunday. In Tregony, the congregations of both St Cuby Parish Church and Cornelly Church joined […]

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Bishop Tim visits RNLI station

While he is used to taking the helm of the Church of England in Cornwall, the Bishop of Truro, the Rt Revd Tim Thornton was trying something new this weekend […]

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Last 2016 Roadshow this week

The last of 2016’s diocesan roadshows focussing on Wisdom takes place tomorrow evening (Tuesday, November 15) at Liskeard Public Hall. This year’s ‘Roadshows’ are aimed at encouraging you to delve deeper into […]

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Competition to find most innovative community projects in churches

The National Churches Trust and the Marsh Christian Trust are inviting entries for the “Marsh Awards for Innovative Church Projects”, a competition to find the Christian congregations running the most […]

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Remembrance Services 2016

A range of Remembrance Services will be taking place throughout the Diocese of Truro, here are just some of them:   11th November – Germoe Parish – 11am – Remembrance […]

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Church’s ‘green’ hall gets greener

St Gluvias Community Hall is green already with its community garden, green energy supply, cavity wall insulation and double-glazing. Now it’s even greener, with a new, highly-insulated roof and solar […]

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The big screen to come to St Michael’s Church in Perranporth

When it comes to fundraising for the church, St Michael’s Church at Perranporth have had great success over the last few years. Work started on the church four years ago […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.