


Bishop Philip in Lebanon: Read his blogs here

Bishop Philip has left the Diocese of Truro to visit Lebanon. During his trip, which he is undertaking with David Fieldsend, Rachael Varney and Revd Etienne van Blerk, he will […]

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Reader celebration farewell for Revd Canon Jane Kneebone

The annual Reader service took place at Truro Cathedral this weekend and as well as celebrations, it was also a service of hellos and goodbyes. Revd Canon Jane Kneebone gave […]

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National Past Cases Review 2 report published

The National Church has today published its report into Past Cases Review 2. The Diocese of Truro, including Truro Cathedral, was one of the first dioceses to complete its reviews and […]

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Creation Care Service of celebration & commitment

This weekend saw church communities from across the diocese gathered together at Truro Cathedral to celebrate a shared commitment to creation care. During the service Bishop Hugh Nelson shared with […]

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Give the gift of hope with the CIPF Cornish Christmas Giving Catalogue

With Christmas just around the corner and the cost of living crisis growing more severe, give a gift of hope this Christmas by supporting local organisations. The Cornish Christmas Giving […]

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Innovation, Pioneering & Change at September’s Diocesan Synod

The theme of change was very much in evidence at September’s Diocesan Synod and it was perhaps fitting that the synod was also the last time the Dean of Truro, […]

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Falmouth’s Wild Church

There is something new happening in churches across the diocese called Wild Church. It’s a way of doing church differently, to attract all ages of churched and unchurched people. It […]

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Bishop Philip becomes Patron of BF Adventure

The Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro, has become Patron of Penryn-based charity BF Adventure. Formerly known as Bishop’s Forum, the charity was initiated by his predecessor Bishop Peter […]

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Bishop’s sermon for HM The Queen at Truro Cathedral

The Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro, was in Truro Cathedral on Sunday to deliver a sermon following the death of HM The Queen. Bishop Philip’s sermon on Sunday, […]

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Queen Elizabeth II 1926 – 2022

The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon (Thursday, September 8, 2022). The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow. […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.