


Watch Archbishop Justin’s new Thy Kingdom Come film

The new Thy Kingdom Come film featuring Archbishop Justin, his grandson Elijah and Brian Heasley, International Prayer Director of 24-7 Prayer International, has been released. Watch this powerful testimony charting […]

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Churches asked to join ‘Ringing out for Peace’ this Armistice

An appeal has gone out to church bell ringers around Britain to join in a major event later this year to commemorate the centenary of the end of World War […]

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Vacancy in see: diocesan representatives on Crown Nominations Commission

At its most recent meeting, the Vacancy in See Committee nominated six of its number to represent it on the Crown Nominations Commission. These individuals will be fully involved in […]

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The wonder of story-telling

It’s National Storytelling Week (January 27th – February 3rd) so what better time to shine a light on the greatest story of them all. It’s said that everyone has a […]

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Vocations: Ordinand Rose Jones tells how life was going according to plan – until God ‘messed it up’!

“Are you some sort of nun?” The breakdown recovery driver shot me a side-eye as he shifted the truck into fourth gear. I’d been in the cab approximately five minutes […]

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FREE GDPR Training for Parishes & Clergy

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaces the Data Protection Act and the changes it brings from May 25 will affect most parishes and all clergy. It cannot be ignored! […]

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Latest Vacancy in See news: six elected to the Crown Nominations Commission

Six people have been selected to represent the Diocese of Truro on the Crown Nominations Commission, the national body charged with choosing the next diocesan bishop. The six elected by […]

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Changes to the data protection law will affect parishes

Data Protection in the UK is changing in May 2018 and the new law gives individuals (you and me) more rights over how information about them is stored and used […]

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Living Faith – how two of our parish clergy have responded to their calling

The diocese has published two videos it hopes will encourage people to think about answering a calling from God to join the clergy. Parish priest Jeremy Putnam and curate Arwen […]

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A former Commando with the softest heart for God and a World War One sculpture project

Patrick Mcwilliam is an extraordinary man who, as his wife Lizzie says, “leaks God’s love.” An ex-Commando, sculptor and trained psychotherapist, Patrick has been commissioned by St Pol de Leon […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.