Confirmations celebrated as Christians of all ages affirm their faith in Jesus

The Christian faith remains “relevant, powerfully attractive and compelling for people of all ages,” said the Bishop of Truro, the Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen.
Speaking after a confirmation service for more than 20 people, a third of whom were teenagers, Bishop Philip said: It really is an honour to be called upon to confirm all these wonderful people as they affirm their faith in Jesus Christ – and as together we celebrate the life-enhancing hope and joy that faith gives us.
“It was also a pleasure to see so many young people among the candidates. It does show that if we take care to create the right space for relationships, conversation and community, the Christian Faith not only remains relevant, but is powerfully attractive and compelling for people of all ages.”
The group confirmed in Truro Cathedral included six teenage pupils of Truro High School, who have been preparing for their confirmation with the Revd Rachel Monie. Two of the pupils will also be baptised.
Rachel said: “In preparing the girls for Confirmation I have sought to interpret Christian traditions and practices to help make faith relevant and understandable for their generation and the contemporary issues that they face as young people today.
“I have encouraged them to be questioning to help them to identify the connections between faith and their own lives to help each of them to work out what following Jesus looks like in their own circumstances.
“It has been a great privilege and joy to journey with them in this process and I’m delighted that so many want to take the step of confirmation which they take very seriously.
“They are intelligent and thoughtful young women who want to use their faith to live differently and make a difference in the world.”