Two parishes in the Diocese of Truro are currently benefiting from the energy and enthusiasm two interns from South West Youth Ministries are bringing to their communities.

St Illogan parish has welcomed Meg Terry, a SWYM intern from North Devon. Meg is currently a year into her studies and since joining St Illogan has immersed herself into parish life.

Meg Terry, SWYM Intern

Living locally with a family in Illogan, Meg works closely with Revd Steve Robinson across three churches St Illogan, St Mary’s and Trevenson. Meg’s arrival has dramatically increased the number of activities the churches can provide. A typical week for Meg can include baby stay and play sessions, after school clubs, teenage youth groups, bible study groups, Messy Church and Sunday School and she has her own study and supervisory sessions to complete. Meg is joined by Emma Schools who is in her second year of her SWYM degree and also works with families and children in the parish.

Prior to Meg arriving, there were no youth groups and there wasn’t suitable space to hold them so one of Meg’s first jobs was to transform a mezzanine area into a safe and encouraging environment for young people, using a limited budget. The area is now a welcoming space which includes sofas, bean bags, a table tennis table and games.

Meg decided to sign up for the Internship as it seemed like the perfect fit for her Christian year out after finishing school and she has only praise for the support she has received. “SWYM is a great opportunity if you want to not only develop your relationship with God but also to work with young people and to experience youth work first hand.”

The parish also feels blessed. Revd Steve Robinson said:

“Meg brings a wonderful energy and innovation to church life. As a parish we have benefitted massively from having a SWYM trainee with us and I have been recommending the programme to everyone I meet including those in our own deanery. It fits in with Confidence in the Gospel and I see youth work as an important growth area for the Church of England.”

In St Keverne Parish, SWYM intern Mike Britton is in his final year of study for his theology and youth ministry qualification and his third year volunteering with the parish team.

Mike grew up in a Methodist household with his mother as a worship leader. It was while he was studying architecture at Plymouth University that he attended Spring Harvest and met two people who encouraged him to join their church, where in turn, he met a local SWYM worker who introduced him to the course.

Mike has an equally busy week consisting of school visits, a Christian Union lunch club, mentoring in a local school, maths tutoring, a table tennis club, an alpha group, a youth group, Sunday morning service and discipleship as well as the usual SWYM cluster meeting, mentor session and study days.

Mike said:

“I do enjoy my study but my priority is youth work and I think the degree will make me better at it.

“If you have an interest in youth work and children’s work and you would like to see the gospel impact on people’s lives then SWYM is a great idea for you.”

Being far from home in Oxford and living in a remote part of Cornwall, Mike has found that SWYM is much more than a training course. He said: “SWYM fosters an environment of family and support which means you don’t feel isolated or alone. The staff really care about you, your faith and your wellbeing.”

Once Mike has finished the course, he hopes to move to Cornwall and spend some more time in the area he feels God has called him to work in.


Is God Calling You?

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