The first of the diocese’s 2015 Autumn roadshows has taken place in Launceston and first reviews praised its thought provoking themes. DSC03422

Over 70 were welcomed to the evening by the Rt Revd Tim Thornton, Bishop of Truro before Archdeacon Audrey Elkington led opening worship and gave an update on the work being done around Discipleship. Revd Simon Cade, Director of Education and Discipleship then lead an interview session with members of Launcells Pilgrim group who spoke of how it had changed their lives, created friendships and strengthened and deepened their faith.
To mark the tenth anniversary next month of the Open the Book initiative, for the first time there was a live performance by Launceston Open the Book team who told the story of the unnamed woman who used her most precious possession, her oil, to wash Jesus’ feet.

DSC03420The evening provided an opportunity for a sneak peak at big events planned for next year including pilgrim walks with the Bishops in February, May and July as well as the Bishops’ Lent challenge for 2,016 faith stories to be told next year.
Bishop Chris then gave an update on the Deanery Challenge before thanking those present for their fantastic efforts this year on the Mission and Ministry Fund.

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There were then two videos from parishes talking about the initiatives and changes they had undertaken this year to boost their finances before Revd Tony Stephens and youth worker Neil Newberry from Callington Cluster gave a presentation around the work their cluster was doing in the local community.
In a change from previous years, those attending where encouraged to ask questions during the evening and the question and answer session resulted in good comments around youth work.
The evening ended on a positive note with Archdeacon Bill Stuart-White encouraging those present to talk about their faith and led by example in sharing his faith story. After much discussion around faith, Bishop Tim gave the closing blessings.


Sharing our faith

The next roadshow takes place on Tuesday (September 29) at Falmouth School. With refreshments from 6.30pm, the roadshow starts at 7pm and runs until 9pm. All are welcome to attend.

Other venues:

Tuesday, October 6: Penwith College, Penzance
Thursday, October 8: The Public Hall, Liskeard,
Monday, October 12: Shire House Suite, Bodmin
Tuesday, October 13: St Erme Community Centre, Trispen.