Section 9 of the SRPM outlines the requirements and good practice advice for undertaking DBS checks. The section also contains guidance as to whether a role is eligible for a DBS check and if a barred list check is also required.

Where the role requires a DBS check, it is diocesan policy to use an Enhanced DBS, not a basic one.

DBS checks are renewed at least every three years or before you begin a new role.  To avoid suspension from a role while awaiting a DBS disclosure that has been delayed, we recommend starting the DBS renewal process six months before it is due.

How are DBS’s administered?

Safer Recruitment and administering of DBS checks is the responsibility of the PCC. Each parish has a nominated DBS Recruiter who is responsible for handling DBS checks and accessing the online system (ThirtyOne: Eight).

The flowchart provides an overview of how to apply for a DBS check.

The DBS Recruiter is usually the Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) although this does not have to be the case, if you are unsure please ask your PSO or parish priest.

If your parish does not have a DBS Recruiter or wishes to appoint a new DBS Recruiter you should contact the safeguarding team on safeguardingqueries@truro.anglican.org

What is the DBS Update Service and can I use it?

The DBS Update Service allows you to keep your DBS certificate up to date and the Diocese to check your certificate. It is free for volunteers and costs £13 per year.

Staff & Volunteers – If you wish to use the Update Service and are in the process of getting a DBS you must register within 28 days, if you already have a DBS then you must register within 30 days of the certificate being issued.

You must then give the Diocese permission to check your certificate or you will need a new DBS.

It is your responsibility to renew your subscription to the Update Service annually. If your subscription runs out you will be required to apply for a new DBS check and register again for the service.

You can register for the DBS Update service here https://www.gov.uk/dbs-update-service

Recruiters & Managers – If a member of your staff or a volunteer is registered to use the DBS Update Service then, providing nothing has changed, they will not need to renew their DBS every three years.

You will still need to see the applicant’s original certificate and check that it is for the same workforce as the role required.

If the details are correct, take a note of the certificate details (name, date of birth, certificate number, type of certificate and issue date) and forward it to safeguardingqueries@truro.anglican.org

The Diocesan Safeguarding Administrator will then take responsibility of checking the DBS service annually and you will be advised if there is any action required.

Please ensure that you let the Diocesan Safeguarding Administrator know if/when the individual is no longer in the role.

PCC Members – what are the requirements?

House of Bishop’s guidance is that PCC Members should all have done Safeguarding Basic Awareness Training and some should have a DBS check (based on their role).

Best practice is that PCC Members should complete Basic Awareness AND Foundation training, to be renewed every 3 years.

With regards to DBS – Diocesan advice is in line with the Charity Commission guidance. We expect that all PCCs would be open to working with children and/or vulnerable adults and therefore should follow the Charity Commission guidance and ALL PCC Members should therefore have an Enhanced (without barred list) check.

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.