Safety Plans

A Safety Plan is designed to facilitate the safe inclusion and worship for individuals about whom the circumstances or information suggest they may pose a risk to other members of the congregation or church community. This may include individuals who have criminal convictions as well as those subject of allegations or concerns.


The purpose of a Safety Plan is to reduce and minimise the risk to children and vulnerable adults within the Church. It also aims to create a safe and supportive environment for the individual, minimising risk of further allegations and re-offending, and enabling them to receive appropriate ministry within explicit bounds of confidentiality. Every case will be looked at on an individual basis and be reviewed at regular intervals.


A Safety Plan process is developed collaboratively and agreed between The Church of England, the Diocese of Truro and you, as well as statutory agencies if involved. It will explore what we’re worried about, what can be done and how we can support safe worship and inclusion within the church context.

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our diocese life.