How safeguarding is managed

Safeguarding decisions are made by the Bishops Diocesan Council; with the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel (DSAP) providing an independent overview, see the link below for more information about our governance arrangements.

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel

The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel (DSAP) plays a vital role in the Diocese of Truro, ensuring so far as possible that strategy, processes and policies create a safe environment for all.

The DSAP reports to and advises the Bishop and is constituted in line with the House of Bishops practice guidance ‘Key Roles and Responsibilities of Church Office Holders and Bodies 2017’.

The DSAP members are appointed by the Bishop of Truro. The membership of the DSAP will include external professionals with expertise and current experience in the strategic overview of safeguarding vulnerable groups.

This email box is monitored by the safeguarding team.  Should you wish to send a confidential message to the DSAP please post it to Church House, Truro Business Park, Woodlands Court, Threemilestone, Truro, TR4 9NH – marked PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL TO BE OPENED BY THE INDEPENDENT CHAIR OF DSAP


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.