The Diocesan Advisory Committee is appointed under the Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1991, primarily to offer advice to Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) and to the Chancellor of the Diocese about proposed works to church buildings and churchyards.
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Our Mission Statement
The DAC are committed to providing sound and informed advice to support the need for behavioural, cultural and practical change around environmental issues.
We will work with colleagues and partners to achieve set goals and will consider the environment, alongside balancing worship and mission with care and conservation, in all aspects of our guidance.
The key tasks of the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) are to help parishes to manage their buildings so that they provide a safe and welcoming environment for worship and mission; to ensure that any work carried out is carefully planned and executed in the most appropriate way; respecting both the historic significance of the building as well as its role as a functioning place of worship and as an asset for wider community use.
It is important to remember that the DAC has no authority to make decisions. Lists A and B have replaced the previous de minimis rules. As its name suggests, the DAC is an advisory body. It provides: formal advice to the Chancellor of the Diocese when the necessary Faculty (legal authorisation) is sought to undertake any work to the fabric or furnishings of churches and churchyards; and informal advice to parishes that are planning such work to their churches and are preparing a faculty application.