Creation Care

The Diocese of Truro’s vision for Creation Care invites people to Cherish Creation, Cut Carbon and Speak Up. It is committed to the Church of England’s target of achieving Net Zero carbon emissions in 2030.
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The Diocesan Environment Strategy & Vision 2021 & Action Plan for the Environment 2023
The Diocese of Truro launched its new environment vision and strategy in February 2021. Cherish Creation, Cut Carbon and Speak Up: a diocesan vision and strategy for creation care sets out three specific priorities for the future. The Action Plan for the Environment 2023 was approved by Diocesan Synod in November 2023.
Our Priorities
- Cherish Creation: We will encourage the diocese at every level to care for those parts of God’s good creation for which we have responsibility, stewarding them for the benefit of plants, animals and biodiversity.
- Cut Carbon: We will cut our carbon footprint year on year and to net zero by 2030.
- Speak Up: At every level of the diocese, we will speak and act boldly to promote the enjoyment, cherishing and sharing of God’s good creation and, where possible and resources allow, we will work in partnership with others who share the same aims.
The new strategy will seek to develop leaders by growing their knowledge and understanding, empower local champions to be vision carriers and local change leaders, develop resources for church communities, develop the theological thinking around environment and provide routes for personal, community and organisational change.
An environment board chaired by the Rt Revd Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Germans will oversee the work. Other members will come from key parts of the diocese including the parishes, Truro Cathedral and the board of education. A Net Zero group will lead on the detailed work of cutting carbon, a Creation Care group will share the vision at local level with support from the diocesan environment officer and a School of Creation Theology set up at Truro Cathedral with a new Environment Canon soon to be installed. All will report to the board.
Bishop Hugh said: “So much has changed in the last 18 months; the XR protests, David Attenborough’s powerful warnings, new commitments from local and national government to making carbon cutting a priority and Covid-19, which has confronted us with our fragility and given us the opportunity to make different choices for the future. These new priorities commit the Diocese of Truro to getting our own house in order, particularly by cutting carbon, and to playing our part in cherishing God’s good creation.”
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