


3 Small Steps – Small Change

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TDS23(10) Agenda for September Diocesan Synod

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TDS23(08) Draft minutes of May 2023 Diocesan Synod

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TDS23(11) Cover note for Amending Canon 42 for September Diocesan Synod

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TDS23(12) Bishop’s Diocesan Council report to September Diocesan Synod

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TDS23(13) Report from Ministry Team for September Diocesan Synod

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Bishop’s Visitors

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Creation Care Network Newsletter

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TDS23(08) DRAFT minutes 20.3.23 for BDC approval

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TDS23(09) Notice for meeting on 23 September 2023

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.