Faith Stories

Rick’s Story
“I didn’t come from a particularly church family although my mother made sure I was confirmed. Throughout my younger days I came and went. I was like the tide. At […]

Mike’s Story
Why am I a Christian? Because I failed as an atheist! It was clear to me that a world would be better without politics or religion. Look at all the […]

Michelle’s Story
“I have always believed in God, but from an early age I have struggled with eating disorders and addiction. These, along with severe depression and acute anxiety, have at times […]
Linda’s Story
“Without wishing to hark back too much to childhood, it is important to understand that my walk with The Lord starts with the fact that I was orphaned aged 7yrs. […]

Les’ Story
“Some people believe that a “Christian Experience” is something instant. It can indeed be. However for most people, I believe it is a gradual experience, often over an extended period […]

Kevin’s Story
“Why am I a Christian? In the early days of my life I may have been able to answer such a question. I was baptised at four weeks old, and […]

Fay’s Story
“As might be expected my Dad’s sudden death in Bristol on Christmas Eve in 1983 had a huge impact on my life. There were all sorts of family problems and […]
Esther’s Story
For me it is an ongoing relationship with God. Like any relationship it is not unconditional and reflecting on my own path so far I think there was never any […]

Liz’s Story
I was born and brought up in Truro in what was a strict Methodist family. My father was also born in Truro. After qualifying as a Dr, and following war […]

Kathryn’s Story
“My mother was an Anglican, my father and grandparents were Methodists, so we were sent to the Methodist Sunday school. When I was about 11 the ‘Caravan Mission to Village […]