Full List of 2016 nominees
Carol Baker
You have been nominated by the Bishop’s Staff after a nomination from a Lay Worship Leader within the Stratton Deanery. I understand that you have been playing the church organ within the Boyton Benefice for 58 years, that you principally play at St Martin of Tours in Werrington, that you are a regular accompanist at weddings and funerals and have served the church faithfully and well for many many years.
Celia Bell
You have been nominated by the Revd Richard Ward-Smith via the Stratton Deanery. I have been told that you have faithfully served at Kilkhampton for many years, having worked for 10 years on the PCC and 6 years as a churchwarden. You have organised many fundraising activities over the years, the Christmas Market and the Flower Show amongst others. Richard has also stated that you are always ready to step in when someone fails to turn up to ensure things run smoothly and that your work for the church has been invaluable.
Roger Bond
You have been nominated by the Bishop’s Staff. Roger you have been a servant of the church and have been a significant member of Paul Church for a very long time and have also served the Diocese as Lay Chair of Penwith Deanery Synod. You are a committed disciple and along with your wife have given faithful service to the church serving in a variety of roles over a long period of time.
Kathryn Hill
You have been nominated by the West Wivelshire Deanery. I am informed that you have been a Reader for 12 years and Secretary of Readers for the Deanery for 5 of those years over which time you have made great efforts arranging both study and social events for the Readers in your deanery. You have also been energetic in taking Open the Book into your local school and also arranging Children’s Club activities during the holidays. Your enthusiasm, energy and sense of mission to bring the Gospel message to the young people of your parish has inspired others to follow suit.
Ernest Jackson
You have been nominated by the Revd Keith Owen via the Penwith Deanery. Keith tells me that you have been a member of St Peter’s for nearly 50 years and during that time have been instrumental in improving the quality of life at St Peter’s in so many ways. You are a server and a Lay Worship Leader for the Cluster. Over the years you have been a member of Deanery Synod, led Bible Study groups, been a churchwarden, and have been a co-editor of the parish magazine. You have also been a driver for Christian Helpline in Newlyn and a volunteer in the Churches Together in Penzance area Giving Shop, and a volunteer serving breakfast for the homeless.
Anthony Naylor
You have been nominated by The Revd Deryn Roberts via the Trigg Major Deanery. Deryn tells me that you are currently churchwarden of St Nonna’s, Altarnon, a post you have held for a number of years and that you support her in a number of ways, always ensuring that the church is clean and tidy and properly set up for worship. You have a passion for the church building and its history and are more than willing to take visitors on a guided tour, always ready to welcome them and answer any questions. You are an active Christian who lives by his Christian principles and work tirelessly to support the church and the wider community.
Bill Nimmo
You have been nominated by the parish of St Enodoc via the North Cornwall Cluster and the Trigg Minor & Bodmin Deanery. I have been told that you are a devout member of the congregation of St Enodoc, leading evensong services, chairing PCC meetings and are the current chairperson of the Lay Committee. You are one of the original members of ‘The Trust of St Minver Friends’ a very active movement for the preservation of the three churches, St Minver, St Michael and St Enodoc. You are responsible for the supply of electricity to the church, the fitting of cabinets, altar rail and replacement front doors. You have raised appeals for the new footpath, restoration of the spire, stone replacement and waterproofing. Apart from your church commitments and duties you have been a life time active member of St Johns Ambulance Service, were a friend of the Betjeman Centre Wadebridge and used to drive their mini buss to outlying villages for those who did not have transport and helped with Meals on Wheels. I am informed that you are highly thought of by all.
Christopher Osborne
You have been nominated by the Revd Sian Yates via the Penwith Deanery. Sian tells me that under the banner of ‘Doing Church Differently’ you have combined your artistic and creative gifts with your reflective personal spiritual journey and natural ability to engage with people outside the structures of the church. This had led to producing and coordinating daily thought of the day ‘The Shout’ and leading local churches to use IT to reach out beyond its doors. Your work with challenging children has also been very moving, full of energy, commitment and exploring new ways of working. You have been able to engage children from across the Penlee Cluster to produce imaginative, daily resources for Advent and themed events during the year. Sian also says that you are a fantastic team member, very hardworking and work tirelessly for others. You have faithfully served your local church and community for many years.
Pam Richards
You have been nominated by the Bishop’s Staff following a nomination from the PCC at St Endellion. I understand that you have been the Sacrastan at St Endellion for the last 20 years and have been totally reliable in your duties. You keep the silver and altar linen in pristine condition and are always in attendance carrying out your duties with quiet dignity. You did a stint as Churchwarden and founded the Mothers Union Branch at St Endellion plus you organise fundraising events and a monthly whist drive in the hall.
Jo Smith
You have been nominated by the Stratton Deanery. I have been informed that you have been a conscientious and committed member of the church over a large number of years and worship regularly in Tintagel parish. You have held a number of posts of responsibility during this time and at present are the leading churchwarden as well as taking a major role in the financial aspects of the parish. You support the parish priest in a number of other ways by taking on the role of a ‘parish administrator’. As a worship leader you regularly read the lessons and intercessions as well as leading evening prayer during the summer months. You also visit a number of housebound folk within the parish.
Verna Tripconey
You have been nominated by the Kerrier Deanery. The Deanery has nominated you for the work that you have done with the East Lizard Helpline almost since its inception 22 years ago when it was set up to provide caring and bereavement support. I understand that this organisation has evolved over time and now provides volunteer drivers and support for those who would otherwise be housebound and for those who live alone and that you are a co-ordinator receiving phone calls for those seeking transport and booking volunteer drivers for them as well as helping to organise social events.
Carole Vivian
You have been nominated by the West Wivelshire Deanery. The deanery feel you deserve this award for all the fundraising you have done over many years for Pelynt and other Churches in Cornwall by giving talks, writing booklets, organising a concert on Trelawney Day and producing a history display in the churches every year. I hear that you open your house and garden for charity, Church funds and Churches Together on many occasions throughout the year. You are Chairman of Cornwall Association of Local Historians and you are a Cornish Bard and whenever possible you promote the churches and actively raise awareness and funds to help in their upkeep and preservation.
Robin Burley
You have been nominated by the PCC of Luxulyan via the St Austell Deanery. The PCC tell me that you have been a churchwarden for a good number of years and that you play an active role as Vice Chairman of the PCC. You are also a member of the choir and organise the fundraising committee, plus each year you co-ordinate the choir and organise the Nine Lessons and carols service, devise and run 2 quizzes a year and co-ordinates the annual Christmas fair. You have helped at Messy Church and are supportive in trying new ways of worshipping in order to engage with the local community. You are very happy to offer people lifts to church and are generous with your time, experience and wisdom.
Eileen Cock
You have been nominated by the Carnmarth North Deanery. I am told that you have worshiped at Treslothan Church for over sixty years. Over the years you have been Churchwarden and are currently Treasurer and Deputy Churchwarden, roles which you have carried out for a number of years with great distinction. You open the church and greet congregations Sunday by Sunday and at weddings and funerals. You organised the planning, fundraising and building of the church toilet extension and administer the Remembrance Garden for cremated remains. I have also been told that you have a pastoral heart and are always thinking about others, arranging cards to be signed by the congregation for anyone who is unwell or bereaved, phoning those who are unable to attend church due to illness and visiting them. In the community, you are a key part of the monthly village lunch’s team, helping to provide lunch for those who attend. You organise the monthly coffee morning and other fundraising activities to help raise funds for the church and Treslothan appreciate all that you do.
Martin Edwards
You have been nominated by the Bishops Staff. You were asked some years ago to chair a small group to look at the feasibility of ensuring the parish church of St Germans after the local PCC wrote to me asking me to close the church. Not only did you take this project on and draw up a first rate report but you have since then carried on working with the project and brought it to where we are now. The local PCC have voted unanimously to sign a lease to allow the Trustees of the Priory Church of St Germans to work to find new and imaginative ways to use the majority of the building which will allow them to gain access to funds and to initiatives which we hope will ensure the sustainably of the building into the future. This whole project has been ground breaking and has drawn much praise from the central church as well as locally. You have worked tirelessly to get to where we are now. You have put in enormous effort and energy to listen carefully to the local community, repair and build new relationships and ensure the story of the local parish is told loud and clear. Martin we are very grateful indeed to you for all you have done and believe this award is a small token of our appreciation for all you have done, thank you.
Moira Gill
You have been nominated by the parish of St Merryn via the Pydar Deanery. In the nomination I have received I have been told that St Merryn feel blessed to have you. You have been a churchwarden for many years and have always worked quietly, arranging and supporting the incumbent in their ministry. You always have a friendly face and enjoy the trusted confidence of many. You have organised many fund raising events over the years and chair fund raising committees. Since the death of Canon Julia you have taken on the responsibility of running the church, arranging and leading services on a regular basis in your capacity of Worship Leader. The PCC feel you have given exceptional dedicated service for many years in the church, parish and wider community.
Malcolm Henderson
You have been nominated by the Church at St Kea via the Powder Deanery. The Revd Marc tells me that you and Doreen became members of Kea church over 30 years ago and it is difficult to name any area of church life that you have not been involved with from gardening, acting and singing, drawing architects plans, leading Kea through 3 vacancies, leading prayers and above all as a Reader, preaching. I am told that you initiated and oversaw the introduction of Home Groups at Kea which have been a significant part of church life. I know that you have more recently been responsible for establishing the Truro Food Bank with outstanding efficiency and Christian compassion.
Katy Hocking
You have been nominated by the Bishop’s Staff and by Perranzabuloe Parish. The parish tell me that you have been a very active member for over 20 years and became secretary to the previous vicar over 10 years ago and when the benefice was created became the administrative secretary for all 4 churches as well as organising and helping in many fundraising events. I would like to add that you are a hardworking and efficient administrator who has done tremendous work in the parishes organising and coordinating services and events generally. As well as all you have done in the parishes you have also been the dynamo behind organising the St Piran Cross services in Perranzabuloe. Since the start of this initiative you have been nothing other than positive and helpful in working with my office and local volunteers in ensuring the services go smoothly and all the many logistical matters around them. You have a wonderful ability to keep calm and not only carry on but achieve your goals successfully. Thank you Katy and thank you for your faithful discipleship.
Mary Holifield
You have been nominated by the Dean of Truro Cathedral. Roger Bush tells me that when Paul talks about saints in his letters he is sure he would have had someone like you in his mind. You have a string of commitments and interests, ranging from the Mothers’ Union to the Children’s Church, from helping with suppers for the homeless to being the go to person for shows and entertainments that the Cathedral puts on from time to time. All this is done without any fuss or frills, just a quiet expectation that this is what a Christian should be doing. You also have an innate sympathy for people you come across, are never judgmental, and through your warmth and obvious interest, can make anyone feel immediately at ease.
Geoffrey Maynard
You have been nominated by The Revd Stephen Drakeley via Carnmarth South Deanery. Stephen tells me that you have been a member of All Saints Church for nearly 88 years. You started there at the age of 2 in 1928 when you attended the Sunday School and you were confirmed at the age of 14 and then went on to be an Altar Server for 20 years. In all this time I hear that you have only missed three Midnight Mass services when you were called up for Army Service in 1946. From the time that All Saints Church became a parish you have served under all the incumbents. Over all these years you have been involved in many things, not least elected to the PCC and served for 14 years, sorted out the electrics for the annual Christmas Tree Festival for many years and still occasionally do odd woodworking tasks in the church.
Joy Reynolds
You have been nominated by the Dean of Truro Cathedral. Roger Bush tells me that you have been worshipping at the Cathedral for several years now and are an active member of the Friends of Truro Cathedral, chairing its fundraising committee. You are at the centre of organising social events and see the Friends role as one of generating community as well as raising funds. You have also enormous business and HR experience, as a result of your working life, and offer countless hours giving advice on personnel issues, and you are also a director of the commercial wing of the Cathedral. You are deeply committed to the life of the Cathedral, and your wit, wisdom and often mischievous sense of humour mark you out as a person of outstanding faith and dedication.
Richard Robinson
You have been nominated by the Carnmarth North Deanery. You are nominated in recognition for the work you have done and continue to do for the Deanery and in the Redruth Team Ministry. Over many years you have given freely of your time and expertise in financial matters. Over the past 2 years you have been Deanery Financial Advisor. You have prepared and given presentations on the financial situation to Deanery Synod, and have attended Diocesan Synod and both gathered information and passed this information on. I am told that you are not one who would seek praise for the work you do and you say that you enjoy playing with the figures! However the expertise and support you have brought over the years is much appreciated by the deanery.
Christine Walker
You have been nominated by The Revd Peter Fellows via the Carnmarth North Deanery. Peter has told me that you have, for many years been at the heart of the life of St Andrew’s Church, Pencoys. As a faithful member of the congregation you read at the Sunday Service of Holy Communion, are a Lay Minister of the sacrament and pray quietly for those named in the intercession and visitors book. You carry responsibility for the upkeep of the church building and for health and safety within the building and the surrounding churchyard. You also ensure that the church is open every day. In addition you are an energetic fund raiser and you act as scorer for the monthly quiz, cook for the monthly jumble food and at the monthly community ‘pop-in’ and you also deliver the church donations to the Redruth Food bank. Peter says that without your outstanding support and prayerful presence the church would be a poorer place.
Ann Kerridge
You have been nominated by St Meubred Cardinham via the Trigg Minor & Bodmin Deanery. I understand that you worked tirelessly for the Citizens Advice Bureau for many years and you helped select new volunteer advisers across Devon and Cornwall. You worked closely with the Kinsman Residents Association and tenants participation groups and helped set up Interkink in Bodmin for local voluntary groups to work together. You are a Churchwarden at St Meubred’s Cardinham which you have attended since 1976. You have become a Reader and you were a Bishop’s Visitor between 1999 and 2007.
Drusilla Pratt
You have been nominated by the Stratton Deanery. I have been told that for decades you have given long and loyal service to the life of St James’s Church, Jacobstow at both a parish and a deanery level. You are an active founder member of the Benefice Pastoral Ministry Team and have continually offered compassionate support to those in need within the parish. As a Worship Leader you have given a regular input into the worship life of the church in planning and leading much of its non-Eucharistic Sunday worship. You have accepted responsibility both for Safeguarding within the parish and as a representative at Deanery Synod and are involved with the Worship and Spirituality Group.