Latest Past Events

Individually Guided Retreat

Epiphany House Truro

A residential retreat at Epiphany House led by Revd Bryan West and Revd Mary West, with the theme 'Is one's proper spirituality and relationship with God achieved by believing in […]


Chrism Eucharist

Truro Cathedral Truro

The Chrism Eucharist will take place at Truro Cathedral on Thursday, March 29 from 10.30am. All are welcome to attend.


Palm Sunday Service

St Sampson's Church, South Hill

Palm Sunday, 25th of March, St Sampson's Church South Hill are planning an informal service, with a real donkey. A good natured chap called Corduroy, who is a local resident. […]


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our diocese life.