


Seven to be licensed at Annual Reader Service

There will be seven people licensed as Readers at this year’s Annual Reader Service which will be held in Truro Cathedral on October 14. Existing Readers play a key part […]

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Pull out all the stops – and make some noise in Cubert!

‘Pull out all the stops’ literally means pulling out all the stops of a pipe organ. Wouldn’t you just love to do that? To pull out all the stops and […]

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Diocesan Roadshows 2017: Exploring what God’s grace involves

In less than two weeks the first of the diocese’s 2017 roadshows will take place in St Austell. Our roadshows this year are aimed at those who care about the […]

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Puzzle Pieces for a Pioneer

When God said, in Jeremiah (29 v 11), “For I know the plans I have for you …” He wasn’t kidding when it comes to Jon White, the new Pioneer […]

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South Petherwin Shop leaves positive legacy for both church and village

The community shop at South Petherwin might have had to close less than two years after opening, but the project has left ongoing, tangible benefits for the church and the […]

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Preparing for Christmas: does the shoebox fit?

The Church of England has issued guidance for people who are considering joining in with a shoebox appeal this year. National policy adviser Dr Anne Richards has drawn up the […]

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Shhh! It’s National Quiet Day

“Take a moment for yourself and enjoy a little sanctuary in silence.” Sounds lovely, but in a life that is, for many, noisy, busy and often stressful, taking a moment […]

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Work is already under way to find the new Bishop of Truro

Those who saw reports of Bishop Tim’s commissioning at Lambeth Palace, may have been asking themselves whether the process for his replacement as Bishop of Truro was under way. The […]

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Plans to transform the Anglican church’s mission in Cornwall receive a warm welcome from synod

Cornwall is a ripe field and one that is ready to be harvested, members of Diocesan Synod heard on Saturday, as plans for the Transforming Mission project were outlined. Consultant […]

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Diocesan Synod approves 2018 budget

Diocesan Synod today (Saturday, September 9) unanimously approved the budget for 2018. The budget for next year is based on there being no increase in Mission and Ministry Fund (MMF), […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.