
New Chair of Truro Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd announced
Justin Day has been announced as the next Chair of the Truro Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd. Justin has extensive experience in law, trusteeship, and chairmanship. Justin received overwhelming backing […]

Nine awarded Pioneer Mission certificates
‘Help me God to journey beyond the familiar and into the unknown’ The first cohort to complete the CMS Certificate in Pioneer Mission have been presented with certificates. Over the […]

Recognising Mike’s service
After nine years as Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance, Michael Sturgess formally stepped down at Diocesan Synod on Saturday. Bishop Hugh said: “Mike has been an extraordinary servant […]

Churches provided £17,000 via Acts 435 last year
Over £17,000 was given to people in need via Acts 435 and Anglican churches in Cornwall last year. Six churches from across the diocese posted requests and 131 of those […]

National consultation around PCC membership & conduct
The national church is holding a consultation as part of a review into the qualifications for membership of PCCs looking particularly at a code of conduct for PCCs. The review […]

Quick Wins grants available to churches
The Quick Wins grant is open to applications from all churches in the Diocese of Truro which need or want to quickly access a small amount (£2,500 or lower) to […]

A diocesan response: Save the Parish document
Last week Save the Parish Cornwall (StPC) circulated a document entitled ‘The way forward; a new direction for the Diocese of Truro’. It describes their vision, with a plan and […]

Diocese working towards carbon net zero clergy houses
As part of its commitment to achieving carbon net zero 2030, the Diocese of Truro has been undertaking work on its clergy housing to make the properties more environmentally friendly. […]

Church funded research focuses on inequality of rural living
Research being funded by the Diocese of Truro will focus on the government’s official measure for experiences of deprivation in England and whether it is appropriate for people living in […]

Truro chosen as FLOURISH pilot diocese
The Diocese of Truro has successfully bid to be one of 12 pilot dioceses for a two-year programme aimed at establishing partnerships between schools and their local churches, with the […]