


Churchyard ash trees – be vigilant

PCCs and churchgoers are being asked to look out for signs of Chalara infection in churchyard ash trees

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New Archdeacon of Cornwall

The Revd Canon Bill Stuart-White has been appointed Archdeacon of Cornwall

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Seven ‘brave’ Readers licensed to serve

Seven new Readers were licensed by Bishop Tim on Saturday 29 September

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New Dean of Truro installed

On 22 September the Very Revd Roger Bush was installed as the Dean of Truro

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What Hillsborough felt like

Revd Alan Bashforth recalls the disaster, and the search for repentance and forgiveness

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Bishop Tim tags along with ‘splinter’ group

Bishop Tim joins Year 7 pupils from Falmouth School at BF Adventure

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Women bishops a step closer

Letter from Bishop Tim on the subject of Women Bishops

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Positive buzz at first Synod of new Triennium

First Diocesan Synod of new Triennium held in Council Chamber of Cornwall Council on Saturday 8 September.

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Roadshows off to a flying start in Bodmin

Over 75 people attended the first of the Roadshows

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Deaf Church outing to Lanhydrock House

Deaf Church visits Lanhydrock House.

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.