


Transforming lives in Camborne

Camborne’s Transforming Mission project is making a real difference for the people of the town.

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The highlight of the week

A playgroup for infants and toddlers is proving a big hit in Carbis Bay.

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Archdeacon Nick offers a helping hand

As many of you are aware, Archdeacon Paul Bryer is currently unwell and in hospital battling covid. It is likely that AD Paul’s recovery may take some time. To give […]

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Give the gift of hope this Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, give a gift of hope this Christmas by supporting local organisations. The Cornish Christmas Giving Catalogue features many worthy local groups and charities who […]

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Being there

We meet the chaplaincy team at Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, and hear about the challenges and joys of their work.

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Duties of care

The Diocese of Truro has recently appointed Father John Eatock as Dean of Retired Clergy and Father Jeff Risbridger as Dean of Self-Supporting Clergy.

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Getting involved in community life

Some of you may have seen that St Ia Church in St Ives has been getting a bit of national media attention for a community event it is involved in. […]

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A service for climate justice

A special service for Creation Care took place at Truro Cathedral on Saturday 16th September.

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Farewell service for Bishop Philip

A Choral Evensong service of thanksgiving and farewell for Bishop Philip and Ruth Mounstephen was held at Truro Cathedral over the weekend. The service, which featured singing by the Cathedral […]

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Service of Commissioning for those who support church schools

The annual Service of Commissioning for those who work in church schools across the diocese was held this weekend. Lead by the Bishop of St Germans, the Rt Revd Hugh […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.