


Walking away with Christmas shopping…

By Kelly Rowe

While shops are already crammed full of gifts for Christmas, it isn’t always easy to find something for that special person. This year why not give them a present that […]

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Open days at St Mellitus give chance for people to take the next step on their journey

People who are considering studying with St Mellitus College, the theological college for the south west of England, are invited to attend one of their open days. The next is […]

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Cracking Christmas Card Competition

When Bishop Philip put a call out to schools across Cornwall for children to design a Christmas card, he had little idea how enthusiastic the response would be. Over six […]

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The Mystery of the Millennium Yews

Millennium yew cuttings taken from trees at the time of Christ were blessed and sent to Cornwall but where are they today? A recent article in the Church Times about […]

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Two new canons celebrate their installation at Truro Cathedral

Diocesan director of education and discipleship, Revd Simon Cade, and the mission and ministry lead of Creation Fest, Sarah Yardley, have both been installed as honorary canons of Truro Cathedral. […]

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Remembering D Day and the role that Cornwall played

Cornwall played a very significant role in D Day, the largest invasion by sea in history and the beginning of the end of World War ll. This year, for Remembrance, […]

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Church primary school heads gain national award

Two Cornish church primary school heads have been awarded the Church of England Professional Qualification for Headship. Pippa Warner, Head of School from St Catherine’s CofE School and Nursery, Launceston, […]

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Make your Christmas count for others: Cornish Christmas Giving Catalogue 2019 published

The Cornish Christmas Giving Catalogue 2019 has been published by Cornwall Independent Poverty Forum. The catalogue gives a mechanism for us all to be able to give to one of […]

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Christian Aid appeal aims to empower women to make the most of their gifts

‘Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.’ […]

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The Nourishment of Food for Change

When hearing about Lucy’s new job in a veterinary practice and the many difficulties she’d overcome to get it, it wasn’t immediately obvious how Food for Change could have played […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.