Over 40 parish officers from across the diocese were welcomed to Church House for an interactive workshop delivering training and information relating to church buildings maintenance, creation care updates and steps towards net zero.

The event was held by the buildings, environment and land team with the aim of supporting parishes to look after their buildings while also working towards Net Zero 2030, and other environmental initiatives such as Eco Church.

The event was opened by Revd Ben Lillie, the Diocesan Environment Officer, who led the event in prayers for creation care. Ben Wood, the Cut Carbon Support Officer, presented about an exciting grant fund, Give to Go Green (for more information, visit here). Rosey Sanders, Operations Assistant, explained the importance and benefits of the energy footprint tool and Sue Thorold, DAC Secretary, helped dispel the myths of the DAC and encouraged churchwardens to contact her when starting to think about doing any repairs or improvements in their churches, and she will advise on the relevant permissions.

The workshop ended with a lively panel discussion followed by lunch. The feedback from the event has been overwhelmingly positive and the buildings, environment and land team are planning to hold more events in the future.

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For more information regarding the Church Buildings Support Network, including details of the monthly zoom meetings, please email Faye Edwardes, Church Buildings Support Officer.