Over £17,000 was given to people in need via Acts 435 and Anglican churches in Cornwall last year.

Six churches from across the diocese posted requests and 131 of those requests were met to the tune of £17,220.

One of the churches was St Martin’s in Liskeard. Mike Sturgess from St Martin’s said: “ACTS 435 is a real blessing. We’ve helped people replace white goods, we’ve helped people get their car back on the road so they can get to work, and we’ve helped a mother and children get set up in a new home after fleeing an abusive relationship. We’ve even helped replace children’s Christmas presents that were taken by bailiffs from under the Christmas tree whilst the children were in the room. Most requests take two to three weeks to be met, although the record was an amazing two hours for the children’s Christmas presents!

“More and more we are combining ACTS 435 with our crisis fund (a grant from Cornwall Community Foundation) to provide a little more help. Clients are referred through social services, schools or the church’s own network. Most are flabbergasted that complete strangers are prepared to help them. It’s an amazing example of the gospel in action.”

Revd Jules Williams from the Boscoppa, Blazey and Luxulyan benefice, said: “Acts 435 has been a valuable string to our bow. There are often one-off items that people need and purchasing them would push the family (often further) into debt.

“To give one example a parent from the local school was heavily in debt after suffering from depression and losing control of her finances. We put her in contact with CAP who were able to get her back on track. However, when it came the end of the summer holidays there were various items that her daughter needed to go to a new school. We were able to source second hand (good quality) uniform but couldn’t do that with shoes. Acts 435 enabled us to buy some Clarks shoes vouchers which meant the daughter had her feet measured and was able to choose her own. In the process of giving her the vouchers a conversation was had about Acts 435 and the gospel. This lady later attended an alpha on the back of that conversation and came to faith. Since then, she and two of her daughters have been baptised.”

Jean Cooke from All Saints Highertown said: “We get referrals from everywhere, Hidden Help, Women and Men’s Refuges, Social services, Child Protection, Health visitors, schools, doctor’s surgeries, mental health services, We Are With You (Previously Addaction), all the housing organisations, and so on. Last year we raised £12,000 for around 100 people.”

On September 24, there is also an Acts 435 webinar taking place online between 7pm and 8pm.  This event is intended for churches in the Diocese of Truro who are interested in being resourced with Acts 435 in their church, to meet the needs of individuals in their local community.

Acts 435 is a national online giving charity that directly connects those that want to help with those that have need, through a network of local churches and charities who seeing the need every day in their local communities, and who want to make a difference.

The local church or charity is resourced with the ability to post specific needs for individuals onto the Acts 435, which can then be met by donors who want to help. These small needs can be anything such as a washing machine, bus pass or clothing for a job interview. Once the need is met by donors, essentially through crowdfunding, the funds are given to the church/charity to help them to source the item for/with the individual.

The hour will introduce you to our work over the last 14 years, and will include information about how partnership works practically, including the role of the local Advocate who is the person who takes ownership of the partnership.

There will be plenty of time for questions too. So, if you already know about us, or are interested in partnering but still have some questions – come along!

You will need to join the call via Zoom, details of which will be sent to you nearer the time. If you have any issues with using Zoom, or any questions about the event, then please email Katie on kgreene@acts435.org.uk

Find out more and sign up here