The Quick Wins grant is open to applications from all churches in the Diocese of Truro which need or want to quickly access a small amount (£2,500 or lower) to make improvements that will immediately reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of the church, whilst potentially enabling it to grow and support mission.

The grants will be managed by Ben Wood, the diocese’s Cut Carbon Support Officer (CCSO), who will work with the applicant church, the DAC, and other diocesan teams where relevant.

Ben says: “This is a great opportunity to fund small but effective adaptations to your church to lower your greenhouse gas emissions, increase user comfort and lower your utility bills. It can fully fund smaller projects such as LED conversions or draught exclusion or contribute to larger environmental projects.”

The process is designed to be consultative and is overseen by an independent panel. Churches can apply for any repair or improvement works that meet the eligibility criteria.

Please note that there is a finite amount of funds, so don’t hang about if you want to take advantage of this!

For more information and to apply email Or you can apply online by completing the application form which is available here. Guidance is also available here.

This process does not in any way remove the requirement for the PCC to obtain faculty or approval under list B, as necessary, or any other necessary permission before the work goes ahead. The offer of a grant does not imply support for the proposal for the purposes of faculty.