This month, the diocese’s Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Justice (EDIJ) board met to continue their planning work to support us all in this important area.

The group was formed in response to a Bishop’s Study Day on Racial Justice where it was noted that Cornish people often feel discriminated against and that developed into a realisation that this needed more attention.

The work is still in its infancy, but it is hoped that eventually, this will help parishes and others to be more attentive to the needs of everyone in our communities.

This is an area in which parishes are already showing an interest. Rebecca Evans, Ministry Development and Inclusion Officer, said: “A number of parishes have asked for an equity and diversity policy.  This work is about being intentional and integral to what we do – we recognise how busy parishes are and don’t want this to become another thing to do – it is more about how we do things.”

A key part of the EDIJ meeting focused on exploring as a group, following feedback from Episcopal College, how we develop a clearer, working understanding of exactly what we mean when referring to equity, diversity, inclusion and justice especially in relation to the Church.  The board members explored this together and created a draft to support everyone’s understanding of these terms which are each rooted in scripture.

Rebecca added: “Christianity has always been about working on the margins, this is what Jesus did and what we are continued to be called to do today. Focusing on equity, diversity, inclusion and justice, helps us to be intentional about that whether that is to do with race, gender, rurality, disability, sexuality.”

It was agreed at the meeting that the work of the board will be pinned to four key themes of ‘valuing difference’, ‘promoting equity’, ‘confronting discrimination’ and ‘managing inclusion’.

Within each of the four areas, there would be planning with short, medium, and long-term work and aims.

Lee Moscato, Director of Education and Chair of the EDIJ board, said: “All of this work is in its relatively early stages, and we are excited about the impact that can be had. We discussed how we ensure that this is more than just a group of people meeting but that we make clear, courageous and intentional steps into this space recognising and celebrating that God created a universe of staggering diversity. Our belief is that church is therefore called to be a community of and for all, a sign and foretaste of God’s kingdom here in Cornwall.”

We look forward to sharing more of the board’s work with you and would love to hear from anyone who feels they can speak into this important part of our mission and ministry here in our diocese. Email