The work we are doing together towards a fruitful and sustainable future for the Church in Cornwall is showing positive and hopeful signs.

Churches are working together on their shared deanery plans, and we know people are engaging. There has been an increase in the numbers coming forward to take on parish roles and an increase in the numbers signing up to training courses for lay roles – Thank you!

Clergy Recruitment successes

The Church House team has been working closely with parishes on a clergy recruitment campaign which has highlighted the real benefits of living and serving in Cornwall. We are delighted that this has been successful and have welcomed 17 priests into posts in the diocese over the last 12 months. Pre-covid a busy year would have seen just six or seven clergy roles advertised. 

We are particularly seeing people being attracted to the Pioneer roles and Oversight roles in the diocese and we will continue to work hard to show clergy across the UK that the diocese is a positive place to be.

If we are to attract clergy and retain them, they need to feel supported. Parish ministry can be demanding for clergy, and we are committed to working with everyone who loves the church to ensure parish clergy feel properly supported by those they serve. 


While clergy numbers are increasing, we are also seeing very positive signs from our vocations work within Cornwall. This year the diocese has sent ten people for ordination training, a very significant increase on previous years.

Celebrating Lay Ministry

As well as good news on the numbers of priests, this month we have celebrated Lay Ministries with the licensing of the first Pioneer Licensed Lay Minister and the commissioning and recommissioning of Readers. That follows services earlier in the month which saw the commissioning of Education leaders and Pioneers. 

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