Celebration & thanksgiving for retired clergy
An afternoon of celebration and thanksgiving for the ministry of retired clergy was held at Truro Cathedral this month.
Retired Clergy were invited to attend the event which took place in the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, by Bishop Hugh Nelson and Dean of Retired Clergy John Eatock. Honorary Assistant Bishop, the Rt Revd Graham James was also in attendance. It is hoped this might be the first of many events in the diocese specifically for retired priests.
After sharing lunch together, there were discussions around how all clergy might work together for mutual flourishing. Those present considered what the highs and lows of being a priest in retirement were as well as sharing the unexpected parts of being retired clergy. They also talked about the skills and gifts they still feel they have which may not yet be being utilised.
Bishop Hugh said: “It was very good to join so many of our wonderful retired priests at the first event of this kind. Their continued faithful service to God and His church in Cornwall is an essential part of our ministry and mission, and I was pleased to be able to thank them personally for all they do.”
The session ended with those present attending Evensong together.
The Prepared to Retire Well & Beyond
If you are a retired clergy person or considering retirement, you may be interested in joining ‘The Prepared to Retire Well & Beyond’ group which is aimed at helping retired priest to flourish. The group meet every eight weeks. The next date is November 13, 10am to 12 noon at Epiphany House in Truro. To find out more or join please contact Mel Pomery at melanie.pomery@truro.anglican.org