This Saturday (September 21) saw education staff and governors commissioned as part of a service to give thanks and celebrate the work of those in our schools.

The service, which was led by Bishop Hugh Nelson, featured readings and hymns before headteachers, teachers, staff, governors, and CEOs from 15 schools stood to be commissioned, watched by their family and friends.

Within the service, those present explored what it means to commission – to bless and send back to our schools all those who together serve the children and young people of our diocese.  Bishop Hugh reflected on ‘what it means to be human’ and that this means to simply love and so sent leaders back to schools encouraging them to ensure their schools are all places where love is seen, felt and encouraged.

Everyone commissioned received a little gift bag containing a candle, cross-shaped lapel pin and prayer cards.

Lee Moscato, Diocesan Director of Education, said: “This special service is a time when we recognise and celebrate the work of all those in and around our schools. It’s a time to come together, with God, in our cathedral to give thanks for all that those in our schools give in order that every pupil in every school might live life in all its fullness.

“We prayed, we sang, we connected, and, in my message, I reflected on Bishop Hugh’s words and how we see mutuality, faithfulness, and curiosity in our schools – places where the pupils really do live life in all its fullness.”

Next year, there are plans to gather for a ‘school day’ which will bring children from across the diocese with their school and families and friends together to celebrate all that makes our Church Schools so special.