Plans to transform the Anglican church’s mission in Cornwall receive a warm welcome from synod

Revd Chris Thomson inspired the synod with his rousing vision of how our mission could be transformed.
Cornwall is a ripe field and one that is ready to be harvested, members of Diocesan Synod heard on Saturday, as plans for the Transforming Mission project were outlined.
Consultant pioneer priest and experienced church-planter, Revd Chris Thomson, grabbed everybody’s attention with his vision of how the project could transform the church in Cornwall.
“In the 20 years I’ve been in ministry, I’ve come across mission initiatives galore. But, for me, Transforming Mission is the most amazing and inspiring project that I’ve ever come across.”
Chris outlined the plan – to plant six or seven resource churches across the diocese, which would each have the potential to revive and renew their communities, and potentially plant new churches.
“They could be an example to others in the diocese, they could be an example to our nation.”
Chris said that Transforming Mission would have the power to “put its wings around” individuals with a vision to transform their churches and communities.
“God is doing amazing things here in Cornwall,” said Chris.
He also referred to the process for identifying the new bishop of Truro, which had been outlined to synod earlier in the morning.
To keen applause, he said: “May God bring us a pioneer bishop, one who gets this vision and who proclaims and inhabits vision, and wants people to walk on water.”
Synod also heard about Transforming Mission from Archdeacon Bill Stuart-White who outlined developments to date, as well as interviewing the Strategic Programme Manager, Kayode Odetayo. Kayode told members something of his background and experience, and highlighted his desire to express his faith beyond being a member of a congregation.
For the latest updates and to see a video on Transforming Mission, click here.