South West Ministry Training Course (SWMTC)

In the Gospels we read about Jesus calling his disciples and sending them out in mission to share the Good News of God’s Kingdom. 2000 years on, that calling from God continues. Everyone who has been baptised is inspired by the Holy Spirit to be part of God’s mission to the world, and some are called to particular leadership roles within the Church as priests, deacons or Lay Readers.

For the last 40 years SWMTC has been training people for that ministry. We see it as a journey of adventurous faith, missional hope and grounded love. We are being led by God’s Spirit deeper into the mystery of God, we are being formed as Jesus’ disciples in God’s image, we are being prepared for our unique role in God’s mission in God’s Church. That is an exciting journey to be part of.

Our training and formation

For lay people who want to go deeper into their faith, we offer our Foundations in Christian Ministry course, which takes mainly place over seven Saturdays each year.

For those training to be ordained or licensed as Lay Readers, we provide a part-time course which centres on seven residential weekends and an Easter School.

For those who wish to study as an independent student for a certificate, diploma or degree in Theology, Ministry and Mission, we offer a course validated by Durham University.

More information

Read the New Encounters in Theology leaflet


Email Dr Cherryl Hunt

Call 01392 272544

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