Saturday saw the first meeting of the new Triennium for the Diocesan Synod.

Following elections early this year there were 41 new members attending. With that in mind, the agenda was mainly focused on what diocesan synod is, what it does and how it works.

There was time set aside in the agenda for the two houses – the House of Clergy and the House of Laity – to meet separately and to get to know one another as well as carry out house relevant business including the election of secretaries and vice chairs.

After sharing a pasty lunch together, the members came back together under the banner of Members of the Truro Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd (TDBF) to elect a new chair of the TDBF following the departure of Mike Sturgess (See story here).

Justin Day was elected with unanimous support to replace Mike (see full story here).

Other business included a report on Change and Renewal and the amendment of Canon 43.

Earlier in 2024 elections were held for seats on diocesan synod and for the first time in many years, there was a good field of candidates. The House of Laity which has 46 available places now has 23 new members. The House of Clergy has welcomed 18 new members. There will likely be elections in 2025 to fill the 23 still vacant seats from across the two houses.

If you are interested in diocesan synod and what being a diocesan synod member entails, click here.