St Kea to recruit Youth MinisterHow great would it be if young people knew that Jesus doesn’t want them for a sunbeam, He just wants them as they are.

With close to 15,000 young people flooding into Truro every week day, to go to the college or one of the four secondary schools, and the tidal wave of anxiety that sweeps across our young people in their teenage years, the need for the super-sized reassurance that only God can give has never been more pressing.

So many suffer from issues around identity, fear of missing out and of not being quite good enough.  Despite, and often because of, the overwhelming ways to connect, poke or be prodded by social media, many young people feel isolated and alone. Sadly, a great many of our young search for answers in drugs, alcohol and self-harming.

And yet, each and every one of them has been fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. They might drive their parents crazy, but each reflects God’s glory, in their questioning minds, determination to push boundaries, excitable creativity and risk-taking joy in what life offers. But few see themselves like that.

Like many of the churches across the diocese, St Kea is on a mission to change that. They are looking to appoint a Youth Minister.

Revd Marc Baker says, “Kea has always been known as a family church that works hard to look after its young people, but we want to reach beyond that and connect with more of the multitude of young people in Cornwall’s city.”

They would love to have applications from people who have already worked with young people, maybe been part of a team and are now looking to lead their own. In particular, they’d like applications from people who have faced similar challenges of connecting with young people outside of the church, of engendering peer to peer encouragement and finding successful ways to come alongside those who think being a Christian is the quickest way to never having friends, ever again!

St Kea, who have successfully planted a new church congregation in one of the secondary schools, are also recruiting for an Operations Manager. One of the key roles will be to locate and resource a city-centre hub to be the focus of the youth work. A place where young people can hang out after college or school, know that it’s a safe place and experience what loving thy neighbour really means.

Do you have what it takes to encourage young people so see their own value, to let them know how much they are loved? Do you understand the fear of not fitting in that defines so many young people? If so, click here and follow the links to download a pack. Application date for the Youth Minister closes on Saturday, December 9th and for the Operations Manager this Saturday, December 2nd.