The Cornwall Faith Response Team (CFRT) is a pastoral and spiritual resource managed by Cornwall Council.  The members of the group may be called upon by any emergency service or by the local authority in Cornwall to give support to individuals who are affected by a current major incident or one that has recently taken place. Faith support may be requested when, for example, there is suffering through pain, sorrow, trauma, and severe injury, loss of property and possessions, or where people are missing.

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The support falls into three areas:

•  Pastoral  – Being available to anyone who wishes to relate to a minister of religion or member of their own faith community

•  Spiritual – Prayer – to pray with and for the people involved. And Sacraments – to administer last rites, confession, baptism or communion.

•  Practical – in whatever ways needed

It is quite likely that the locations where support is needed will include some or all of the following:

•  A Family and Friends Reception Centre established in response to a major incident

•  A Rest Centre providing temporary shelter following an incident

•  At rest areas to help support emergency service personnel attending the incident

•  At the site of the incident to offer comfort, prayers or last offices.

•  At Hospitals, Medical Centres and Casualty Clearing Stations

•  At locations other than the above where humanitarian assistance is being given

Membership of this group is open to all representatives of any faith in the county, and we are currently in need of new members for our database, members of CFRT are called out by phone if and when a major incident is declared and CFRT are needed.

Please consider putting your name forward if you think you could be called upon (with appropriate training) to help your community in times of disaster. Contact Tony Garvin, Emergency Management Officer, Cornwall Council, Telephone 01872 323788 or email for more information.